A new set of headshot portraits for owner of Edinburgh 3Theatre Company

This gorgeous girl needed a new set of personal branding photos, and I was happy to help out. Even if you’re not particularly comfortable in front of a camera, we can meet up, have a chat and I’ll just snap away. You won’t even know you’ve been photographed. Well, that’s not completely true, but the process is probably a lot less painful than you might think.

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Portraits and lifestyle photography for the talented Edinburgh paper cut artist Emily Hogarth

I loved taking these photos so much. Emily and I met earlier in the year when I photographed her along with her gorgeous family. She asked me to photograph just her this time, in her home studio, as she’s being featured in a book about East Lothian artists. And it was just a joy. Mary the dog features heavily, as she should.

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Portrait photography of jewellery designer Rebecca Wilson

Rebecca, as it turns out, lives on the same street as Emily Hogarth, and also needed personal branding photos of herself in her home studio. We chatted, I looked at her amazing jewellery confections (they literally look like sweets!), and snapped away, and I think we ended up with some beautiful portraits. If you need a headshot or an entire suite of photos of yourself and/or your business, please give me a shout.

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